Hello and Welcome

Are you looking to get your homestead rocking? Do you want a animal that is small and can give you some milk? Then I highly recommended getting goats. If you want smaller goats. I would go with Nigerian Dwarfs. Know that you are thinking about goats. you should probably research a little about goats first. I have the prefect course for you.

Hi, I’m Roxie Eckel

I am the CEO of Roxie's Goat Homesteading. I was 12 Years old when I started this journey in 2018. Before that all happened I researched for a full year about goats. You could call me a little research crazy. I made these course so you don't have to be as research crazy as I was. The best part about these course all the info is in one place. I am still learning different things all the time. Everyone should be learning different thing all the time. I get that you don't have all the time in the world to read books and watch all the youtube videos. Yes, I might be a lot younger than some of you, but I have put a lot of effort to make sure my goats are happy and healthy. I hope you do the same.